“The Press of Time” in Filled with Breath (2010)

This sonnet first appeared in print* in the anthology "Filled with Breath: 30 Sonnets by 30 Poets" edited by Mary Meriam in 2010. Thank you, Mary! Dedicated to my kid, with love. The Press of Time I watch my girl, asleep here in her room— Her arm's gone wide, her mouth's gone wide; she snores.…Read more “The Press of Time” in Filled with Breath (2010)

Bearing more than children

Yesterday was my cousin-who-is-like-a-sister's estimated due date. Today, she went to the park with her mother to walk around and hopefully induce labor. We spoke on the phone of raspberry tea and back labor. She is ready, and excited. She also dispelled a decade-long regret that I'd been carrying, feeling that I'd rushed my own…Read more Bearing more than children